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Vegas PollardThe Many Lives of Yelena Moulin, Chapter 10

In the holofeed wall above the phony flickering fireplace, the fifteen-year-old Mira Mira sat in the defendant’s chair, listening to testimony against her. Yelena thought her neon blue skin undercut the way her lawyers had… [more]

Yelena deadThe Many Lives of Yelena Moulin, Chapter 9

A dozen colored spotlights, gaudy and grandiose, caressed Yelena Moulin. Glitter rained down upon her, caught like sparkling dust as it descended through the colored layers of light. The rest of the room was lit… [more]

Yelena Moulin in the PoolThe Many Lives of Yelena Moulin, Chapter 6

In the early hours of the morning, before the sun had risen against the snow and the mountains outside the living room’s glass wall, Yelena knocked on Mr. Pollard’s door. Veronique answered, clad as always… [more]