Eric Durrance

Eric spent his earlier years as a Russian cosmonaut until a freak accident brought him far too close to the sun resulting in the development of freakish artistic super powers. He frequents comic book stores and is often seen holding half empty bottles of Guinness. Eric now resides in northern California, enjoys peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and quotes the movie Ghostbusters whenever the opportunity strikes.


Dig Doug, Day 3Dig Doug, Day 3

Doug didn’t bother taking a shower. Instead, he came into work early as usual. As he stood in front of the building, waiting for Kay to unlock it, he noticed that the others stood away… [more]

Dig Doug illustration 2Dig Doug, Day 2

Doug woke hungry the next day. His stomach rattled and revolted like a prisoner trying to escape. For the first time ever, he wanted to go to work. Not to work on his blog, but… [more]

Dig DougDig Doug, Day 1

The oversized plate glass doors whooshed open as Doug and the other employees pressed inside. Outside, beyond the doors, somewhere out in the pale yellow field opposite the building was a rich, putrid stink that… [more]